Project Wave


At the beginning of this year, I realised that I needed to turn one of my many and numerous idea/s that I accumulated over my many long years on this Earth into a major project for my Year 11 Software Design and Development class. Originally I was looking at creating a easy-to-use server hosting platform with a load of templates, but decided that it wouldn’t be as interesting and oversaturated as my much better idea. The basic idea of what I wanted to create was a social platform similar to Letterboxd, but instead of sharing and reviewing films users can share and review the music they listen to.

The Social Network (2011) is the greatest film ever made

The reason why I would like to create a platform like Letterboxd is that I love how that platform has allowed me to discover films and provide (almost) an incentive to share the films I watched with my friends, and I think it would work great as a music sharing platform and add a new social dimension to listening to music.


So far, the vast majority of the features that I wanted in the web app were developed in the short time that I had, which included:

  • Authentication (signin/register) using JWT
  • Album/artist pages using the Last.FM API Album page
  • User logging of albums
  • User profiles Profile page
  • Following/follower system
  • Feed that displays all posts of followed users
  • Mostly functional explore page (displays users with mock album data) Explore page

Currently the only features that still need to be developed are the search function and a further refinement of the album logging UI.



At the beginning of the project, I wanted to use a templating language such as EJS or Pug to allow for a fast development time, but I realised that if I wanted the web app to allow for modularity and use the project as an oppurtunity to develop useful industry skills I would have to use a commonly used Javascript framework, which is why I chose React.


I have used a few different backend frameworks (Go, ASP.NET, Django, PHP), but sadly have spent a large amount of time using Node.JS and other Javascript frameworks, so that’s what was used when developing the project. I considered using ASP.NET for a few minutes, but decided against due to my exponentially greater level of experience using Node.


In a few of the projects I developed in the past, I used MongoDB due to how well it works with Node, but due to the nature of the fact that the project is a social platform, a relational database needed to be used. I decided to use MySQL due to its popularity and that I used it a few years ago in a PHP


To allow for a mild visual consistency across the project, I used the React-Bootstrap package as I had used Bootstrap in the past and love how easy it is to use.

I used Figma to design mockups of the different pages across the application, which is a genuinely great tool that I will definitely be using again! alt text

I really would have liked to spend a lot more time on the overall design of the web app, but due to the limited timeframe that this project had to be completed in, I settled on a mostly monochromatic minimalist design that could easily allow for a variety of album and artist images to be incorporated and displayed.


I am genuinely proud of what I was able to accomplish in only a few months, and I hope that I will be able to continue working on the project far into the future!

Let’s see this thing!

Alright, alright - you can find the site at, have fun!